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Why can't I sync the Major League Rosters?

The most common cause of issues with syncing rosters is that customers who also had the previous year rosters accidentally create a game using the previous year's rosters, rather than using the current year's rosters.

To fix, follow these steps:
  1. Go to League Manager and turn OFF the 2023 rosters
  2. Make sure the the 2024 rosters are ON
  3. Create a new game from the 2024 teams that are now visible (2023 teams are now hidden because of step 1)
  4. Perform the sync
The Sync only works when you have created a game from the 2024 teams. If you don't hide the 2023 teams, it is easy to accidentally select one of them when creating a game.

For more information on using the rosters, see this link: Using Major League Rosters

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